You can now rent our vaporizers - up to 3 days free of charge!
Because if you buy an equivalent or higher-value device within 10 days after returning the loan device, the rent of up to 3 days will be added to the purchase price of the new device.
Why should I rent a vaporizer?
The purchase of a vaporizer should be considered carefully. It is not uncommon for an ill-considered or incorrect purchase decision to lead to great frustration and wasted money. Because the best vaporizer is of no use, if it is lying unused in the corner due to the lack of the required properties. And why does it have to be the best, isn't a vaporizer in the lower price range enough?
Rent-A-Vap by MoJamba allows you to test your favorite extensively before buying and to find out whether vaping herbs is really right for you.
Maybe you only need the vaporizer for a certain time, so a purchase is out of the question. Be it for medical reasons, or simply for the next smoke-in (or steam-in) with the buddies. Maybe you own a table vaporizer like the Volcano or the Extreme Q and need a mobile solution for a limited time.
Vaporizer rental by MoJamba has many advantages!